
Dr. Chad Alexander Mirkin
Professor of Chemistry and Director of the International Institute of Nanotechnology, Northwestern University (USA)
Awarded for the development of Spherical Nucleic Acids (SNAs), three dimensional nanostructures that are enabling technological advances in biological and medical diagnostics and pharmaceutical development.

Nanosphere Inc.
Nanosphere, Inc. awarded for being the first in achieving successful commercialization of three-dimensional nucleic acid nanostructures (Spherical Nucleic Acids, SNAs) in production of Verigene® System instrumentation and many other medical, pharmacological, and biotechnological materials and devices based on SNAs.

Yury Gogotsi
Distinguished University Professor and Trustee Chair at Drexel University, Director of the A.J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute (USA)
For the development of nanostructured carbon materials, including carbide-derived carbons, and formulation of basic principles for development of materials for electrochemical capacitors, which facilitated commercial production and wide use of supercapacitors in energy storage, automotive and other industries.

Patrice Simon
Professor in Materials Sciences at Paul Sabatier University (France)
For the development of nanostructured carbon materials, including carbide-derived carbons, and formulation of basic principles for development of materials for electrochemical capacitors, which facilitated commercial production and wide use of supercapacitors in energy storage, automotive and other industries.

Maxwell Technologies Inc. (США)
Maxwell Technologies, Inc. is awarded for successful integration and commercialization of nanostructured carbon materials and for applying principles for development of materials for electrochemical capacitors to successful ultracapacitors mass production.

Renato Zenobi
Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the Organic Chemistry Laboratory of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich
Development and commercialization of equipment, probes and methods for optical, physical and chemical characterization on the nanometer scale

Victor Bykov
President of NT-MDT Co.
Development and commercialization of equipment, probes and methods for optical, physical and chemical characterization on the nanometer scale

Pavel Dorozhkin
Head of product management & applications department of NT-MDT Co.
Development and commercialization of equipment, probes and methods for optical, physical and chemical characterization on the nanometer scale

Successful commercialization of integrated technological methods of scanning probe microscopy and optical spectroscopy

Robert Langer
Co-founder of Bind Therapeutics, David H. Koch Institute Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Development and successful commercialization of nanoparticle technologies for medical applications

Omid Farokhzad
Co-founder of Bind Therapeutics, Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School
Development and successful commercialization of nanoparticle technologies for medical applications

Bind Therapeutics Inc. (USA)
Commercializing the advances made by Prof. Langer and Dr. Farokhzad. Bind has developed a new class of highly selective therapeutics with targeted and programmable actions, Accurins™

Sergey Lukyanov
Doctor of Biological Sciences and Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), who heads the Molecular Technologies Laboratory at the Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry in Moscow
Developing technologies and enabling commercial production of unique fluorescent proteins

Clontech Labs (USA)
Commercialization of Doctor Lukyanov’s work and marketing of a product line that has found demand from science and educational institutions and also from pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies

Gennady Sakovich
Doctor of Engineering and Scientific, Director of the Institute of Chemical and Energy Technologies (part of the Siberian Chapter of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
Development of an artificial diamond production technique

OJSC «“Altai” - Federal Science and Manufacturing Center (Biysk)»
Organizing of industrial production of functional nanosized diamonds and products based on them, as well as organizing their export to industrially developed countries

Dmitry Svergun
Professor, Dr. of Science at the Institute of Crystallography under the Russian Academy of Sciences, Group Leader and Senior Scientist at European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Hamburg
Development of small angle X-ray scattering method for structural diagnostics of nanoparticles and systems

Lev Feigin
Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Chief Research Officer at the Institute for Crystallography under the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)
Development of small angle X-ray scattering method for structural diagnostics of nanoparticles and systems

Hecus X-RAY SYSTEMS (Austria)
Development and production of small angle X-ray scattering equipment. Its pioneer developments of small angle X-ray devices let utilize the method of small angle X-ray scattering for nano-diagnostics of a wide range of nano-compounds in many technological and research centers

Leonid Keldysh
Professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, chief research assistant of the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The Prize was awarded for the creation of the machine unit for molecular beam epitaxy.

Alfred Yi Cho
Doctor of Philosophy, Vice President of Bell Laboratories, member of the American National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Sciences, of the Academia Sinica in Taiwan and the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing.
The Prize was awarded for the creation of the machine unit for molecular beam epitaxy.
